Welcome to Operative Wisdom

I started this blog for basically two reasons:
1) I like to write, and I wanted to do more of it.
2) I think there is a lot about politics and campaigns that people don't know about but wish they did.
I remember when I first started working in politics more than a decade ago. I had done well in my Political Science classes. I had read every book I could get my hands on about campaigns of all sizes. I thought I already knew everything there was to know about politics and elections!
And then when I started actually working on campaigns, it became evident how little I actually knew. And as I worked on more and more campaigns over the years, it was clear that there weren't a lot of resources out there dedicated to how campaigns actually work, especially at the local level – the level that the tens of thousands of elected officials throughout the country operate at.
And so the goal of Operative Wisdom is to share a perspective that potentially hasn't been shared before.
An alternate title for this blog could have been: "Stuff I actually wished I learned in my political science classes."
I hope these writings have a little of something for everyone. If you're a first-time candidate, I really hope you learn something. Or if you're just an outside observer interested in politics. Or if you're someone who one day wants to work in politics. Or if you're an organization hoping to grow your political influence. Or if you're just an annoyed voter who wonders why you keep getting buried in direct mail every other November.
And to give you an idea of what type of topics will be covered, here are a handful of posts that are already available:

If you like what you've read and want to keep up-to-date on future posts, please be sure to subscribe!
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